Good Tips For Buying a Mattress

Aleksandar Jelic
4 min readJun 21, 2017

I’m gonna give you some tips on buying a new mattress — what to look for and what to ask.

The biggest piece of advice I can give is to just find a store and the person that you can trust and seems knowledgeable. Ask a few questions and it will not take very long to figure out a person’s knowledge level.

There are different types of mattresses: an innerspring mattress, a foam mattress and latex mattress. Here are some of the best mattress:

Those are the three big ones. There can be some air beds and water beds but the big main ones nowadays are these three.

A lot of people worry about the core. What’s underneath the mattress? Whether it’s a spring pocket coil or regular spring.

The deeper down support levels generally they’re not what breaks down on people. Usually it’s the top layers on the mattress. Usually it’s pillow tops and they just don’t use a high enough density material.

They might use too much poly fiber, low density, memory foam and what happens is obviously people get the breakdown with the body impressions.

So questions to ask and what to look for is what materials are in the bed and not only asking what materials but how much of that material and where is it located.

When you hear there’s two inches of latex in a mattress it needs to be two inches across the entire mattress.

There are mattresses out there that have a quarter inch and it can be just in the lumbar area. So they’re selling a mattress as if it has latex in it, when it’s really just something that they can put on the label and increase the price.

So if I know how much and where materials are located, if there’s regular foam, you want to make sure that’s at least two pound foam, memory foams four pound or higher.

Latex are always going to be higher density and longer-lasting, so you do not need to worry about it, there’s no low quality in latex so you’re going to be pretty safe there.

Those are the different materials and from the breathability standpoint, memory foam is going to be the worst even if it’s infused with gel, the cell structure on it is tighter. The way it conforms to your body, your body sinks into it so it gets warmer. It’s a little harder to move around. Great for pressure point relief.

Natural fibers, natural latex and cottons are things that are going to be a more breathable material that will allow you to stay cooler.

To fit yourself into a mattress, it gets a little complicated because it depends on the person and their needs.

So what I like to try and explain to people is you want support down below and that’s firmness and you want comfort and softness on the surface. It’s marrying those two and how do you do that. It’s testing. Everybody’s body is different. They react differently to different mattresses so it’s having a lay-down, take your time and concentrate on whether or not you feel pressure points. Make sure that it feels comfortable and that your body feels supported.

You want to make sure that your hips and shoulders are aligned and you’re not out of alignment where your hips are too high or too low or your shoulders and vice versa putting extra pressure on your muscles and your spine over the period of the night.

So you want something where you are contouring, floating into the mattress but then as you float into it, you want to make sure that you’re supported there. So you don’t want something too soft, you don’t want something too firm. It’s what works for your body and some people have different preferences but generalities can be if you are side sleeper, you want a little bit more plushness on the surface but underneath that process you want to make sure there’s some firmness.

If you’re a back sleeper, medium to medium firm is good but the big thing is to make sure that your S curve has enough back pressure, that you are feeling supported there and if you’re a stomach sleeper, make sure that you’re on something little firm and make sure that your hips don’t stick up in the air
because otherwise you’re putting too much pressure on yourself.

So comfort on the surface, support underneath and finding that right balance and if you have a mattress that flips, rotates or is modular where you can replace those layers, it’s going to give you a ton of more flexibility than you’re going to find in a typical mattress.

